Even though you may become attached to your Clients, it is important to remember you are there in a professional capacity and it is important not to cross those boundaries. To maintain professional boundaries, it is important to never do the following:​
Never give out your phone number to Clients or their family members. If they ask for your phone number tell them it is not permitted and give them the office phone number. ​​
You should never contact your Client or their family directly. Any communication outside of working hours should be done through your supervisor. ​​
You should never visit your Client outside of scheduled shift times. ​​
You should not bring gifts or prepare and bring food from home to your Client. All cooking should take place inside their home with their supplies and ingredients. ​​You should not consume the clients food even when offered. Please bring your own meals with you.
Do not share any personal information or issues going on with you or your family that don’t pertain to the care of the Client.